Wednesday, October 17, 2007


sharp black angular edges and slopes of rooftops

affectionately framing the dark blue smokey skies

shimmering in the elegant ghost silver,

pale sliver lunar calm

they're slow dancing under an open umbrella

of gently pulsing stars

where waves and spirit crash brightly

where they were once cradled by the night myth

where the east wind sings

rustling fall colors on bended boughs

it was then that it finally became time

to find each others hands

in the times they never knew

when she finally began to accept her beautiful reflection

and turn silver to gold

when they at long last became that promised constellation

tenderly cradled by the night myth


Andrea Leite Marques said...

Hello! This is so beautiful, could be a Tanabata poem. Love it.
How are you doing these days?

snakedance said...

Thank you so much Andrea,

I must admit this is one of my top 3 favorite images that I by utter luck happened to create and I really tried to do the image justice with some words that I thought might be pretty..

That tragic story sits well in the World of Overcast.. In fact I think everything that I write has an element of that tale in it...
very keen observation. I didn't even realize it myself!

Things are quite busy these days (hence the lack of updates) but going well I suppose.

All the best to you and yours as well!

Andrea Leite Marques said...

Hello! Yes, it is very "Tanabata-ish", imo!
I've been reading a Murakami book these days, "Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman" - a collection of short stories and it is so good. Somehow it reminds me of your images as well.
Some of stories are very, very melancholy and some others are quirky, surreal, strange. I love him.
So, you also like "This Mortal Coil", then? They are (were?) fabulous, no? I just need to get "Blood" now.
I also enjoy "My Bloody Valentine" and "Cocteau Twins". And more recently, "Asobi Seksu". The vocalist is a Japanese girl, but that's an indie band from NY. Great stuff!
Well, will read the new posts now! Hope you'll have a lovely Winter week,

snakedance said...

Murakami is an absolute genius.
I haven't read that book although I've seen it at the shop..

I really like how he describes writing short stories

"I find writing novels a challenge, writing stories a joy. If writing novels is like planting a forest, then writing short stories is more like planting a garden.’

I feel quite the same, It's much more enjoyable for me to write things in short bursts...
more satifying somehow..
you finish what you want to convey and then move on to another idea..

writing longer then a page or 2 I find to be a laborious chore mostly...ah well...

This Mortal Coil is one of my all time favorites.
In my opinion "Blood" is the most cohesive and realized album of the three.

If you can manage to find the box set they released it includes another bonus cd in addition to the three albums which collects some of the original versions of the songs This Mortal Coil covered...

Sort of recently The man behind "This Mortal Coil" Ivo Watts Russell did an album under the name "the hope blister" which you would probably like. It features the main female vocalist (Lousie Rutkowski)

I'm a sucker for anything off 4AD:)

I'll have to check out that N.Y. band too! Very intriguing name ;)

also, another band you may be interested in is "The Cinematic Orchestra" kind of TMC but in a more electronic/jazz kind of way (newest album anyway)


Here comes winter!!!!
wonder if she will be arriving with razors?
stay warm!!

Andrea Leite Marques said...

Hi again!
Have you ever written lyrics? The things you write would be so nice with some music... In TMC style, something a bit dark, a bit classic. Dunno! Hard to explain!
Yes, Murakami is not short of a genius. Very amusing as well. Yesterday, I had to have noodles in the afternoon after I read his "Year of the Spaghetti"... Well, noodles being the closest to spahetti here at home, that is...
His descriptions are perfect, no?
Asobi Seksu now (yeah, quite funny name alright...), if you make a search within my blog you can read a post about it and access their website for samples. I love them. It's not that kind of "obvious" music, it's just different, in a calm, soft way...
Oy! Took note of all your recs and will search it in (cheaper than Amazon for me here!).
Thank you so, so much...
Aaaah, Winter... I'm afraid Shimo Tzuki-sama will come with razors not as sharp this year. I don't even know what Winter is anymore!
Sad, sad, sad... Global warming is chaging my life, and my memories!
Talk to you soon/will go to the gym now (eeeekkk...)!